Tuesday, December 18, 2007

wow...that's deep.

this is Megan Fox, the girl from Transformers showing off one of the lamest tattoos in history.

I'm going to be straight with you kiddo - you're really hot, which means you can get away with pretty much anything - but seriously. Tattoos like this are why they don't let you get them until you're 18.

1 comment:

Myky said...

tattoos should be thought provoking and mean something so the owner, its not for others to judge as the meaning won't have the same meaning for everybody and i personally think this one of the best tattoo's on a celeb! and you cant deny that she is one of the few brave that use there tattoo's in a photoshoot most are airbrushed out to present a flawless picture, yes no doubt they will be covered up for movie roles, but these tattoo's reveal the true human behind the perfection!