Tuesday, December 18, 2007


So...uhh...Jaime Lynn Spears is pregnant.

...I don't know? I mean, I'd usually make a joke here. But it's getting to the point where joking about the Spears family is like joking about the Holocaust.

nah fuck it - these two should totally have a kid.


Sylva77 said...

I think Jamie being pregnant is good for her.I find her responsible enough and she did decide to do this so honestly when she does have this baby i wish her GOOD LUCK!!!I just hope she makes sure she doesn't have anymore until she gets through school.

worldbi**h said...

i think that you don't have a right to talk about her in that way and i dont think that you should think that she will make a mistake, just because her sister did and i think that jamie is nothing like her sister and that she will be a great mom and that your just made because she not like you. so maybe you should give her a chance before you judge her how about that because you would like me to sit there and say your area slut and a ho so maybe you should say stuff about her like that just b/c one person in her family made a mistake doesn't mean she will.

Anonymous said...

i think it's complete bs to have her fired. she made a mistake, at least she's not having an abortion! any other girl that has a job and get's pregnant does not get fired. and just because she is pregnant does not mean every other girl out there is going to get pregnant. what jamie lynne does in her personal life has nothing to do with the character she plays on tv. shes being honest, she spoke out about it and she realizes she has to take responsibility. sure she's a role model but why she wanted to be an actress not a role model, and sure it comes with the territory i guess, but then parents should talk with their kids about what jamie lynne is going thru. this show is her job and to fire her for getting pregnant should be wrong.

Talullahs_DollhousexX said...

lmao i think nancy_charles10 is cool.
what it all comes down to is the fact that teenage pregnancy is common. Comon. Its not like any of you havent heard about kids her age getting knocked up. Jamie's might be in a worse or better situation because she's a celebrity. Worse because she has a faithful fan base to her show, Zoey 101, ehem ages varying from like 4 -13. *cough* so she fucked up her real acting career. did she ever have one though? its all due to connection anyway... Positive, because people might pay more attention to the issue of teen pregnancy, it might raise more awareness. and its not like Jamie is unsupported. She's dam supported. She has cash.
its very sad. sad sad sad. i pity her. she basically fucked up her life, but is dam lucky she has money. She's gonna become an emotional reck like her poor sister, and people are gonna be hating her and fucking blogging mean shit because they either have no life, or they're bored at 1:21 like me XD.
poor thing.

ingrid said...

well first of all shes to young to be having sex..?? i think shes going to end up just like her stupid sister brittney ...well it her life shes going to have to deal with another person...and its going to sukk if her boy friend denys the baby ...What is a almost 20 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old....close yur legs girlll

ingrid said...

well first of all shes to young to be having sex..?? i think shes going to end up just like her stupid sister brittney ...well it her life shes going to have to deal with another person...and its going to sukk if her boy friend denys the baby ...What is a almost 20 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old....close yur legs girlll

gossipGirl_saysSTFU said...

lol. wow, u pple give the pple out of work a great laugh
i mean do you really have nothing better to do in your own pathetic life that you have to talk about someone elses!? cuh im so sure you never fucked up befor, right? ha. well anywayz, i have better things to do than critisize other pple, so you guyz have fun and dont get to cocky

Kelsea said...

shit happens. everyone makes mistakes and is entitled to making their own decisions. In the end this baby will be one of the best things that will have ever happened to Jamie, whether she be 16 or 30. This is also not a situation to blame others. Britney didnt force Jamie to have sex, that was her own decision. It may not be right in everyone's eyes, but that's why we're not her. It's her life and no one has any place to judge others that they do not know personally. love people for who they are or keep your comments to yourself.

Chris Jenkins said...

I really am apathetic to this poor young girl having sex with some guy and getting knocked up. Her parents are entitled to decide her fate, she doesn't technically have the right, she's not 18... but besides the point I find it funny that people condemn folks for commenting on this girl yet, they don't seem to realize that people have a right to say whatever they want about anyone, especially people that choose to live their lives in the spot light. You can't tell someone that they can't gossip about the celebrities, the celebrities need gossip to make them millions and millions of dollars a year. I'm not trying to be a jerk to anyone here, but I think you need to accept that people are free to decide and comment on whatever they so choose, it's in that whole Constitution thinger that the guys in the beer commercial wrote or something like that.

Unknown said...

How can you say a 16 year old will be a good mom? She is a CHILD. Just because she has money doesn't mean she will be a good mom. Look at Britney. She may not be like Britney but she is well on her way and starting a lot younger. You think this was planned? Come on!!! You think with all the money this family has they could afford a rubber. This goes to show how these parents raised there kids. Britney is screwed up and now Jamie will be also. Her career will be going the same direction as her sisters.. Down the drain. I feel sorry for her not happy. It's vary SAD!!!

Rosy_red_ass_cheeks said...

I want to comment on hollywood*s comment and say that its not complete bs that she was fired. She was on a kids show. Do you think they would have kept her on the show while her stomach got bigger and bigger. And how would the producers of Zoey101 write that off in her show? If they kept her on a kids show while she was pregnant it would be sending all sorts of wrong messages to kids. Yeah she made a mistake and its great shes not having an abortion but she had to have known that going into show business especially on a show for kids that they would eventually look up to her as a role model.

Unknown said...

i do this this was sooooo stupid of jamie!!! but nooooo need to curse at her!!! i mean she is only 16 but still.... common i bet if u were in her postion u would b upset ppl were talking about u and saying bad stuff......soooo umm yay..... ttyl

Unknown said...

oh and also i think that jamie is making a foooolll out of herself and i hope she regrets wut she has done b/c her rep is on the line............. i hope jamie is mad at herself but i also think she is a good???? person??? idk i just think she should have used her noggin ALOT MORE!!

Kristal said...

She doesn't deserve for people to talk about her in such a negative way. Yeah, she is 16 and role model for many teens, but it happens. I'm sad to see that she is pregnant at such a young age, but since she decided to keep the baby, I wish her luck. I don't think she will make the same mistakes as her sister, but hopefully learn from them instead.

shanice said...

I think it great it will be an experiance of a lifetime. She'll get a whole new aspect of life. she'll be filled with love for all her family including the new baby and the lucky daddy. Congradulations Jamie and can't wait to see the baby when born. Hop e to see you also back on soey 101.

Talullahs_DollhousexX said...

its great that she has all these people defending her...

Talullahs_DollhousexX said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
XSV187 said...

This girl is the perfect build for the stereotype that her sister falls in, which is people that embarrass and induce sex at a young age. Her show has about 5.7 million viewers or more that watch every episode, and most of those young girls are younger then she is, now let me ask you this. What do you think they will now approve of because their "favorite star does it"?

Think of what she has done to their generation, and her mom obviously lacks no adult skills, which just goes to show, why Britney is a wreck, and this is exactly how Jamie lynn will end up.

Would you want your kids exposed to this trash?