Thursday, November 15, 2007



This is the absolute WORST...


Literally every year around this time I get sick because I don't have mom around anymore to tell me to wear a coat and when the early signs come (sniffles, stuffy nose, insatiable urge to kill) I usually chaulk them up to allergies. So it's my own fault, because I am an idiot.

Anyone know a good cure for this junk? All I can conjure up from memory is that scene in 'Crocadile Dundee' in which our hero C.D. tells the overcoked guy at the Manhattan party to pour his "sugar" into a pot of hot water, put a towel over his head and breathe deep - crikey!

So, seriously...anyone know of a good cure? Soup? Cocaine in a pot of water?

...anyone have any cocaine?


babieswithstaches said...

you need some tea.
come up to boston. I'll send you back there with enough to ward of colds for a year.

exiledfrombrooklyn said...

thanks! might have to. still hawking rubious red bush and various others?