Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Another cop got shot in Philly today...

Hey kids!

Check out this map*, it's really neat!:

*this is the 'Philadelphia Murder Map' from the Inquirer - apparently people killing each other is more common here than closet gays in the republican party! Awesome!


S said...

Welcome to Philly. Last year around this time I was completely obsessed with the climbing murder rate in Philly. I really didn't have much else to do with my time back then. I'm thankfully distracted away from most of this horrible news and tucked far far away from most of the violent areas. Brotherly love, Man.

exiledfrombrooklyn said...

Thanks for the welcome! I don't know where the whole 'brotherly love' thing came from (seeing as how my prior knowledge of the area consisted of Rocky I-V) but three cops in a week seems pretty steep - even for a rough city...